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Safe Sleep Pillows

Do you love climbing into your cozy bed at the end of a long day? When you’ve been working hard, taking care of your family, or even slipping in some time for yourself—there’s nothing sweeter than that moment when your head first hits the pillow.

Ahhhh. The touch of your pillow is a signal. You’ve made it through the day and it’s time for rest. Soft and comforting, your pillow invites you to relax, shed your cares, and sleep. Tomorrow, you can plunge into your routine again.

Sometimes, though, a pillow can mean more than a simple good-night.

Shelter from a Storm

Imagine that instead of an ordinary day, you’ve just spent a day—or weeks, months, even years—in fear of the next rage, the next blow, or the next attack. For women and children who arrive at domestic violence shelters, traumatized, emotionally and physically bruised, often with little more than the clothes on their backs, the first night can be disorienting. They’ve reached safety for now, but what comes next?

It’s a very anxious time in their lives, so even small gestures can make a difference.

Savvy Rest understands the comfort of a pillow. So we’ve launched a program through our retail division, Savvy Rest Natural Bedroom, to offer that welcoming comfort to women and children who risk everything to escape a dangerous home.

Our store managers reach out to local domestic violence organizations to learn which emergency shelter is most in need. The Safe Sleep Pillows Program provides a new Savvy Rest organic pillow for every guest. And it’s ongoing—we’ll continue to supply all the pillows the shelters need.

You’ve Got a Friend

Each Safe Sleep Pillow is packaged with a note that explains to the new arrival that this pillow is a gift—theirs to use while at the shelter and to take with them when they move on. We can’t make everything right, but we can share our heartfelt wish that they’ll find peaceful, healing sleep. For their first night of safety and every night to come.

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