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10-Year Limited Warranty


Savvy Rest, Inc. guarantees that your Simplicity mattress will be replaced or repaired at our option without cost to you, should it be deemed defective because of faulty workmanship or structural defects during the ten (10) years of the warranty, excluding the specific limitations contained herein.

During normal wear this warranty covers any deterioration in the cell-structure of the latex that causes the mattress to have a visible indentation greater than one and one-half (1.5) inch, not associated with a sag in the foundation or platform bed.

This warranty does not cover bedding sold “as is,” bent or cracked perimeter due to moving or bending the mattress, fabric stains, soiling, burns, body impressions of less than 1.5 inches, damage to the mattress or foundation due to abuse, incorrect fit of sheets, mattress damage due to inappropriate foundation, comfort preference or transportation costs.

During the first five (5) years of this warranty, Savvy Rest will not charge to repair or replace the mattress; however, any transportation costs would be the responsibility of the purchaser. During years 6 through 10 of this warranty we will, at our option, repair the mattress at a handling cost to you, or replace the entire mattress at a prorated charge to you plus transportation costs. If we replace the mattress, the prorated replacement charge you pay will depend on when the mattress is replaced.

If the mattress is replaced during the sixth year of this warranty, the prorated replacement charge you pay will be fifty (50) percent of the original purchase price.
If the mattress is replaced after the sixth year but before this warranty expires, the prorated charge you pay will increase by five (5) percent for each subsequent year of the prorated period (i.e., 55% of the original purchase price if replaced during year seven; 60% of the original purchase price if replaced during year eight, etc.)
Our mattresses are designed to work on a rigid foundation or a platform bed. This warranty and other performance guarantees are based on tests conducted on “sets” that consist of our mattresses and foundations. Therefore, if you use inappropriate manufacturers’ foundations or any boxsprings with this mattress, such use will void this warranty and all other warranties, whether expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

We may require you to provide proof of the quality of the foundation for your mattress if you make a claim under this warranty.

This warranty is valid only to the original purchaser of the product and entitles the purchaser one replacement in the event of faulty workmanship or structural defect. If Savvy Rest deems the mattress not defective, all transportation costs are the responsibility of the purchaser and are additional to any prorated charges. If identical materials are not available at the time of the product service, Savvy Rest reserves the right to substitute material of equal or greater value. The purchaser would be responsible for the transportation costs of the product to and from the store or factory, as applicable. In the event an item needs to be returned to Savvy Rest, that item needs to be shipped to Savvy Rest within ten (10) days of the request.

In the event of a problem, first contact the retail store where you purchased your mattress or mattress and foundation set. If you cannot reach this store, or if you have moved, write directly to Customer Service, Savvy Rest, 4414 Ivy Commons, Charlottesville, VA 22903 or email You must provide proof of purchase and a copy of the mattress law label to Savvy Rest for any warranty. Photos depicting the problem may also be requested.

Savvy Rest is not responsible for any damage caused to the mattress by spills, burns, accidents, growth of mold, or other acts of Nature. Savvy Rest is not responsible for claims related to latex allergy, whether known or discovered at a later date.

This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state.

Download a copy here

Note: This page details our 10-Year Warranty for internationally-shipped Earthspring mattresses. For our domestic (U.S.-only) warranty, please click here.


Savvy Rest, Inc. guarantees that your Earthspring™ organic mattress will be replaced or repaired at our option without cost to you, should it be deemed defective because of faulty workmanship or structural defects during the ten (10) years of the warranty, excluding the specific limitations contained herein.

During normal wear this warranty covers wires that are loose, broken or protruding through the fabric, and any deterioration that causes the mattress to have a visible indentation greater than one and one-half (1.5) inches, not associated with a sag in the foundation or platform bed.

This warranty does not cover bedding sold “as is,” bent perimeter frame due to moving or bending the mattress, fabric stains, soiling, burns, body impressions of less than 1.5 inches, damage to the mattress or foundation due to abuse, incorrect fit of sheets, mattress damage due to inappropriate foundation, comfort preference or transportation costs.

During the first five (5) years of this warranty, we will not charge you to repair or replace the mattress. Transportation costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. During years 6 through 10 of this warranty we will, at our option, repair the mattress at a handling cost to you, or replace the entire mattress at a prorated charge to you plus transportation costs. If we replace the mattress, the prorated replacement charge you pay will depend on when the mattress is replaced.

If the mattress is replaced during the sixth year of this warranty, the prorated replacement charge you pay will be fifty (50) percent of the original purchase price.
If the mattress is replaced after the sixth year but before this warranty expires, the prorated charge you pay will increase by five (5) percent for each subsequent year of the prorated period (i.e., 55% of the original purchase price if replaced during year seven; 60% of the original purchase price if replaced during year eight, etc.)
Our mattresses are designed to work on a rigid foundation or a platform bed. This warranty and other performance guarantees are based on tests conducted on “sets” that consist of our mattresses and foundations.

We may require you to provide proof of the quality of the foundation for your mattress if you make a claim under this warranty.

This warranty is valid only to the original purchaser of the product and entitles the purchaser one replacement in the event of faulty workmanship or structural defect. If Savvy Rest deems the mattress not defective, all transportation costs are the responsibility of the purchaser and are additional to any prorated charges. If identical materials are not available at the time of the product service, Savvy Rest reserves the right to substitute material of equal or greater value. The purchaser would be responsible for the transportation costs of the product to and from the store or factory, as applicable. In the event an item needs to be returned to Savvy Rest, that item needs to be shipped to Savvy Rest within ten (10) days of the request.

In the event of a problem, first contact the retail store where you purchased your mattress or mattress and foundation set. If you cannot reach this store, or if you have moved, write directly to Customer Service, Savvy Rest, 4414 Ivy Commons, Charlottesville, VA 22903 or email You must provide proof of purchase and a copy of the mattress law label to Savvy Rest for any warranty. Photos depicting the problem may also be requested.

Savvy Rest is not responsible for any damage caused to the mattress by spills, burns, accidents, growth of mold, or other acts of Nature. Savvy Rest is not responsible for claims related to latex allergy, whether known or discovered at a later date.

This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary from state to state.

Download a copy here

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